rig h ts re se rv e d . D ig ita l In fra stru c tu re fo r C a p ita l M a rk e t R e v is e d B u s in e s s P ro c e s s : B o n d F ilin g & P rim a ry M a rk e t (d a ta a s o f 2 2 n d S e p te m
in the electronic customer group. In the air freight segment and increased revenue from Cross Border Service which can be classified as follows Unit : million baht Service For the three-month period
Increase / (Decrease) Percentage Sea Freight 167.78 155.55 12.23 7.86 Air Freight 215.46 262.57 -47.11 -17.94 Logistics Management 98.81 92.73 6.08 6.56 Cross-border transport 125.90 0 125.90 100 Related
18.79 2.98 Air Freight 813.05 863.02 -49.97 -5.79 Logistics Management 353.77 357.41 -3.64 -1.02 Cross-border transport 478.74 51.66 427.08 826.71 Related party transactions -75.02 -71.53 -3.49 4.88 Total
the members without netting positions of members against other clients or different clients against one another (gross margining); (3) use of the margin model and parameter reflecting the risks and
efficient allocation of resources. It focuses on the quality and consistency the different elements of regulations that influence corporate governance practices and the division of responsibilities between
expansion Innovative products and services Resilience 8 Pressures from all directions • Increasing national and international regulations For example: EU’s Carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM); Right to
area in the three southern border provinces. As the location has numerous rubber-wood plantation areas, the rubber- wood is sufficient for producing the MDF Board on a continuous basis. As a consequence
MDF Board manufacturing plant is in Yi-ngor district, Narathiwat Province, near the raw material area in the three southern border provinces. As the location has numerous rubber-wood plantation areas
, effective monitoring of management and be accountable to the company and its shareholders. Moreover, the board is also required to balance the different interests and classes of shareholders, and others. The