General impacts on stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions and take full advantage of their rights across the EU. https
stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions and take full advantage of their rights across the EU.
-single-market/en/policies/trust-services- and-eidentification> ๗ General impacts on stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions
necessary, the SEC Office upon approval of the SEC may revise or modify the operating plan; in such regard, the provision in the first paragraph shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis. The operating plan of
derivatives exchange to: (1) suspend derivatives trading unless such trading is for purposes of closing out derivatives positions; (2) instruct the closing out of derivatives positions; (3) limit the trading
) limit the trading price range of derivatives; (4) amend or temporarily suspend the application of any rules issued by the derivatives exchange; (5) undertake
และกำรทำควำมตกลง ( MOU) ในด้ำนกำรกำกับดูแลกับหน่วยงำนต่ำงประเทศและกำรกำกับดูแลธุรกรรมระหว่ำงประเทศ (cross-border transactions) ๔) กำรกำกับดูแลผูใ้ห้บริกำรระบบทีมีนัยสำคัญต่อตลำดทุน สำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. มี
. In the case where it is appropriate or necessary, the SEC Office upon approval of the SEC may revise or modify the operating plan; in such regard, the provision in the first paragraph shall be
of the SEC may revise or modify the operating plan; in such regard, the provision in the first paragraph shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis. The operating plan of the SEC Office under the first