a commissioner of the SEC has been made, the remaining commissioners shall retain their offices on the condition that there are at least six persons holding such position.” SECTION 4 The following
hold the office of the Chairman or the Minister may appoint another person to hold the office of such commission member, as the case may be. The appointed Chairman or commission member shall retain
shall retain office for the remaining duration of the full term of the Chairman or commissioner whom he replaces. ( During the period when no appointment of the Chairman or a commissioner of the SEC has
commissioner, as the case may be. The appointed Chairman or commissioner shall retain office for the remaining duration of the full term of the Chairman or commissioner whom he replaces. During the period when
) placing a securities purchasing order while being aware that oneself or an associate has made an order to sell the same securities or will do so at a similar amount and a https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Documents
expenses in the accounts of the employees of the same employer: (a) surcharges paid into the fund by the employer; (b) the employer’s contribution and its interest which are not entitled upon the employees
removal of the fund manager. Section 12 ter.2 The Registrar shall prepare a report on the supervision of the management of the funds and submit the same to the Minister at least twice a year. For the
manager. Section 12 ter. 2 The Registrar shall prepare a report on the supervision of the management of the funds and submit the same to the Minister at least twice a year. For the purpose of supervision
digital token under this Emergency Decree. Section 6. In case where delivery, transfer, holding or return of cryptocurrencies or digital tokens is required, cryptocurrencies or digital tokens of the same
tokens is required, cryptocurrencies or digital tokens of the same category and type and of equal amount shall be fungible. Section 7. Digital asset business operators and digital token portal service