of the Office, the determination of salary and other remuneration as well as welfare and assistance; (5) any other activities to be implemented according to the objectives of this Act. All rules
behavior indicating unfair practices or taking advantage of the investors in securities or derivatives trading or aids or abets or used to aid or abet the others in connection with such behavior. Part 3
assistance and support to enable the SEC Office to complete the actions thoroughly, and the SEC Office shall coordinate and notify the official receiver of the said actions before the official receiver shall
(MMOU), or a regulatory agency on securities or derivatives which has already signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the SEC Office, which the MOU contains the mutual assistance not less than as
(MMOU); (b) a regulatory agency on securities or derivatives which has already signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the SEC Office concerning mutual assistance at a level not less than as
been given an order to rectify its impaired financial condition by way of capital decrease and subsequent capital increase with an assistance from a government agency or a state-owned financial
decreasing capital and subsequently increased its capital under the assistance of a State agency or financial institution: O Yes (please specify) I am or have been an executive of ……………….……… which was
in half by the claimant and another half by the respondent. The Office shall give financial assistance to the claimant as the Office deems appropriate. The Office shall bear all expenses incurred in
rectify the damaged financial position by decreasing capital and subsequently increased its capital under the assistance of a State agency or financial institution, unless exempted by the SEC: O yes O being
the exchange of information [bilateral MOU] of which essences are the same as MMOU, including has legal power to provide assistance to the SEC Office as stated in the memorandum of understanding; (3