to the accounting standards as specified by a professional institution approved by relevant government authorities and in accordance with additional regulations specified in the notification of the SEC.
management of the private fund, using knowledge and competence as a professional. The securities company shall enter into a written agreement with a person or a group of persons who has authorized the
accountability in accordance with the professional code of ethics, auditing standards, and other additional regulations prescribed by the law governing securities and exchange. Yours sincerely, Signature
Certification of auditor’s professional qualification Date ........ Month .......................... Year ............... Dear Secretary General of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand
results on the quality control system, especially the risks associated with the non-compliance with the policies, procedures, standards on auditing, the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, and the
. Clause 2 In order that an intermediary obligates to operate its businesses properly, fairly and in compliance with codes of conduct and professional standards and in order that an intermediary’s services
Approval of Auditors ; 5. I entirely understand the code of ethics for professional accountants and will perform audit work in compliance with the code; 6. I entirely understand the generally accepted
with the professional standards on a continuous basis. Such audit quality control system complies with the Thai standards on quality control issued by the Federation of the Accounting Professions (FAP
control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work to comply with the professional standards on a continuous basis. Such audit quality control system complies with
record and firm’s profile in the form as publicized in the SEC’s website. Signature of the applicant is required. (3) Certification of auditor’s professional qualification in the form as publicized in the