recurring revenue remains constant at around 77.8% (Q3 2018: 78.2%) versus a non-recurring revenue of 22.2% (Q3 2018: 21.8%). We have a growth in non-recurring revenue in HR Solution of 17.72mb due to the
····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ···...
%. The increase is in line with our expectation of demand of HR technology and services in local and overseas markets. Our order book remains strong and the sales pipe lines is healthy, especially in
Solutions decreased by 9.10mb to 45.11mb (1H 2019: 54.21mb) or 16.8%. Our overall recurring revenue grew by 24.15mb or 11.0% to 243.00mb (1H 2019: 218.85mb while non-recurring revenue grew by 54,41mb
Solutions grew by THB 35.31 million or 13.43% from the recognition of license income and implementation fee from projects in Thailand and Malaysia, as well as, organic growth in recurring outsourcing income
23.6% YoY to THB 343mn Full-quarter recognition of ‘International Advertising’ Recognised net loss from non-recurring expenses of THB 180mn from impairment of assets, loss on disposal/ write-off of
non-recurring items, namely the insurance claim from the terrorism risk protection amounted THB 3,500 mn, the conversion of CPN Retail Growth Leasehold Property Fund (“CPNRF”) into CPN Retail Growth
Client 1,021 2,407 First time/Recurring Transactions Lines First time 883 2,108 Recurring 1,106 2,580 Reclassify/Adjustment Transactions Lines Reclassify 903 2,024 Adjustment 1,086 2,664 Financial
····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ···...
in building recurring revenue, with the recurring revenue from HR Solutions growing by 9.78mb or 11.7% and recurring revenue from Financial Solutions increasing by 2.22mb or 16.0% . However, the growth