any liabilities, its financial statements were not in compliance with the generally accepted accounting standards. The SEC thus instructed JAS to rectify those financial statements by recognizing the
instructed JAS to rectify those financial statements by recognizing the provision based on the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation by taking into account factors such as
participating in the preparation of incorrect and inaccurate accounts in the company?s 2004 financial statements by recognizing revenues from providing services of feasibility studies and funding sources for
changing of the Labor Protection Act, the Company has additional long-term employee benefit liabilities of Baht 26 million by recognizing as expenses in profit and loss of the current year. 6. The income tax
services decreased 11% in line with the decrease in revenue from sales and services. Distribution costs and administrative expenses decreased by 19% due as a result of recognizing the provision of Baht
services, and lifestyle services. The Company has controlling interests in ICV group and is required to consolidates profit and loss statement and balance sheet of ICV by recognizing 100% of revenues and
income on the other hand has decreased due to the fact that the company has stopped recognizing interest income on the loan to SGAH for conservative treatment since Q2 2019. Sales of automotive parts grew
income on the other hand has decreased due to the fact that the company has stopped recognizing interest income on the loan to SGAH for conservative reasons. Sales of automotive parts grew by 25.3%, driven
customers recognizing AMARC’s services even amid the affect from COVID-19 pandemic. - Translation - Costs and Expenses 1. Q2 and half-year consolidated costs ended June 3 0 , 2 0 20 has increased YoY at the
, 69.45, 21% Q1/2017 Comparison of revenue from services after the Company began recognizing revenues from Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited. Revenue sharing has increased proportionally from the