Virtual Power Plant (VPP) IFRS Sustainability Standards Capacity Building 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 | ท าความรูจ้กักบั มาตรฐานการเปิดเผยขอ้มลูดา้นความยัง่ยนื (IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
. 68 million to Baht 1,580.25 million, which is increased by 11.94% due to additional revenue of engineering service in 2017 and revenue from solar energy began to recognize in 2017. Statement of
reasons: 1. In 2018, Management focused on renewing the contracts with appropriate profit margin. 2. The revenue of engineering service increased. 3. Solar energy began to recognize revenue for the whole
million. due to the following reasons: 1. In 2018, Management put emphasis on renewing the contracts with more margin projects. 2 . Solar energy began to recognize revenue for the whole six-month month
service of Baht 10. 93 million, whereas revenue from solar energy began to recognize in 2017 amounted to Baht 94.62 million. Nonetheless, the group’ s operating profit margin has increased because 1
service of Baht 10. 93 million, whereas revenue from solar energy began to recognize in 2017 amounted to Baht 94.62 million. Nonetheless, the group’ s operating profit margin has increased because 1
management service of Baht 19. 55 million and reduction of revenue from construction service of Baht 55. 01 million, whereas revenue from solar energy began to recognize in 2017 amounted to Baht 63.88 million
99.99%, Bina Puri Power (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. SAFE invest in Bina 49.00% and SAFE Biomass - 3 - Co.,Ltd. SAFE invest in SAFE Biomass Co.,Ltd. 100.00%. The Company shall recognize the sharing of operating
decreased 15.49% dued to sold OEM project that high gross profit margin decrease, gross profit of Trading products decreased dued to Baht strength. Cost of sales and Services In 2017 and 2016, total cost of
Company reserved for loss from stock devaluation THB 34.83 million included in cost of sales 2.2) Cost of renewable energy increase THB 3.18 million due to year 2017 Solar Power Project on Rooftop of