ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้นสามัญ | วันที่มีผลใช้บังคับ : 10/11/2560 | วันที่ปิดการขาย : 16/11/2560
Type of securities : Common share | Effective Date : 10/11/2017 | Close Selling Date : 16/11/2017
Type of securities : Common share | Effective Date : 02/11/2015 | Close Selling Date : 08/11/2015
market, where the oil business is in on a downward trajectory following slowing global economy due to the trade war between the US and China. The Dubai crude price in 2019 averaged at 63.51 $/BBL, a
affected by the year round global oil price fluctuation, especially in the last quarter which oil price plunged drastically. Moreover, the refinery recorded lower crude run due to its 45 days turnaround
affected by the decline in most of the finished product and crude oil crack spreads, as a result of the oversupply situation in finished oil products, and the anxieties over the trade war between the US and
). Table 1 : Performance Summary Table 2 : Adjusted EBITDA Margin In the face of volatile crude palm oil and crude palm kernel oil prices’ movement, both had continued to decrease from quarter 1/2017 due to
Discussion and Analysis | 2 Executive Summary In quarter 3/2017, palm oil production both in Thailand and International Market continuously remained high after the impact from El Nino has ended. Thailand crude
every finished product and crude oil price crack spreads, with supporting factors ranging from the maintenance of various refineries in North Asia, as well as concerns over supplies tightening after the
oil inventory remained high, crude palm oil (CPO) price continuously declined, as well as Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) price decreased. This year, the Thai government biodiesel mandate was set to B5 and