Microsoft Word - Ref FPI.012.2018 Addition -1.doc Ref. FPI.012/2018 26 April 2018 Subject Acquisition of up to 40% shares of total paid-up capital in TSE Overseas Group Company Limited (Addition) To
Microsoft Word - Ref FPI.012.2018 Addition -09.05.2018.doc Ref. FPI.012/2018 26 April 2018 Subject Acquisition of up to 40% shares of total paid-up capital in TSE Overseas Group Company Limited
Microsoft Word - EN - NPPG - Final IM (Kitchen Plus)_KAP.20181011 No. NPPG.068/2561 October 11, 2018 Re: Notification of Resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 10/2018 on Approval for the
Microsoft Word - TH - NPPG - Final IM (Kitchen Plus)_KAP.20181012 ที NPPG.068/2561 วนัท ี11 ตลุาคม 2561 เรือง แจ้งมติทปีระชมุคณะกรรมการบริษัท ครังท ี10/2561 เรือง อนมุตัิให้บริษัทเข้าทําสญัญาซือขาย
Microsoft Word - EN - NPPG - IM (Kitchen Plus) Amend2_20181030 1 No. NPPGR1.068/2561 October 11, 2018 Re: Notification of Resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 10/2018 on Approval for
Microsoft Word - TH - NPPG - IM (Kitchen Plus) Amend2_20181030 1 ที NPPGR1.068/2561 วนัท ี11 ตลุาคม 2561 เรือง แจ้งมติทปีระชมุคณะกรรมการบริษัท ครังท ี10/2561 เรือง อนมุตัิให้บริษัทเข้าทําสญัญาซือขาย
product. In addition, our engineering business saw the signing of a new project in Indonesia, which will bring positive EBITDA to the business in Q2 to Q4 period. A contingency plan to mitigate the impacts
contraction primarily due to burnt products sales volumes down by 17%. On the upside, revenue and EBITDA realized per ton of burnt product sold were up 14% and 1%, as more value addition through higher quality
advantage of additional market opportunities which arose due to operational issues at some of our competitors. This was in addition to the “fix the basics” technical upgrade program which resulted in full
competitive activity on the export markets. We continue to see the positive impact of our acquisition of Saraburi Quicklime, which we completed in late Q1 2018, and is having a full, positive effect on Q1 for