) Ltd. (99.99% indirect subsidiary of the Company) holds 100% Establishment objectives: Preparations for international investments Head office location: Tortola Pier Park, Building 1, 2nd Floor, Wickhams
junction and also from Mahidoladulyadej Naval Dockyard Intersection to Chuk Samet Pier of the Naval Public Works Department, and the Project of trading network communication system equipment; Software
City form the entrance of U-Tapao roundabout junction and also form Mahidoladulyadej Naval Dockyard Intersection to Chuk Samet Pier of the Naval Public Works Department, the Project of procurement for
∩nl'『 サ跳っ塾inn、unη く電 0■ 9L鸞 電ft尉 1糧 n■ =tミ 鶴L“ぬ̀AngnQ■ ■9 ■■9ぃ」agttι:une (ru nltrt u lqYl'lafi q n1 s) 31-hAar‐ 63 31-ヽlar-62 31-ヽ4ar-63 31^Ma「62 (慕■視踏■鴇) % ,1■ttnlnn3脚■] 47_31 50.24 41_97 45.53 (3.56
) 29 upper midscale hotels operated under the Mercure and Holiday Inn brands in the United Kingdom, of which the Company holds 50% in an equal joint venture "UK Portfolio Hotels". (Unit: THB million
, Curio Collection by Hilton and (ii) Hard Rock Hotel Maldives "Project Crossroads Phase 1 Hotels "; and (4) 29 upper midscale hotels operated under the Mercure and Holiday Inn brands in the United Kingdom
(4) 29 upper midscale hotels operated under the Mercure and Holiday Inn brands in the United Kingdom, of which the Company holds 50% in an equal joint venture "UK Portfolio Hotels". Results for the UK
CROSSROADS Phase 1 Hotels "; and (4) 29 upper midscale hotels operated under the Mercure and Holiday Inn brands in the United Kingdom, of which the Company holds 50% in an equal joint venture "UK Portfolio
Collection by Hilton และ Hard Rock Hotel Maldives (“โรงแรมในโครงกำร Crossroads เฟส 1”) (4) โรงแรมกลำงระดบักลำงค่อนไประดบับน จ ำนวน 29 แห่งในสหรำชอำณำจกัร ด ำเนินงำน ภำยใต้แบรนด ์Mercure และ Holiday Inn ซึง่บร
operated under the Mercure and Holiday Inn brands in the United Kingdom, of which the Company holds 50% in an equal joint venture " UK Portfolio Hotels". Results for the UK Portfolio, operating under a joint