March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries had a net profit of Baht 56.52 million or 17.17%. Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited holds 80% of the total number of ordinary
., Ltd., in the proportion of 40% of total ordinary shares Therefore the company must have revenue recognition Into the financial statement Resulting in increased service revenue Which can classify income
respectively, an increase of 104 .05 million baht or 21 .38%. Euro Asia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. in the proportion of 4 0% of the total ordinary shares. In addition, WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited has
1 Ref. No. JUTHA-10/2563 November 2, 2020 Subject: Amendment of Articles of Association, Debt to Equity Conversion Constituting a Connected Transaction, Issuance and Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary
transport services such as together Since it is a transportation service from the factory door to the customer from the source to deliver to the factory door to the end customer, as well as the delivery time
transport services such as together Since it is a transportation service from the factory door to the customer from the source to deliver to the factory door to the end customer, as well as the delivery time
transportation in the domestic transport by land and the cost of dialysis liquid manufacturing, which there were no the mentioned costs in the 1st Quarter, 2017 as well as the company is expanding the business in
company. Purchase of 80% of Universal Common Shares of Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited. Page 2 of 5 The Company must recognize revenue. Entering into the financial statements. As a result
million Baht, increased 16.79 %, mainly caused income in year 2018 due to the business merger of domestic transport service by land by the end of year 2018 as well as its subsidiary both in domestic and
388.77 million baht or 21.22 percent. Logistics Co., Ltd. in the proportion of 40 percent of the total ordinary shares. In addition, WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited has invested in WICE Logistics