UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 12/05/2022 - 23/05/2022
Bangkok, August 16, 2012 ? The SEC reveals that provident funds offering employee?s choice continually increased in Q2/2012. The record showed an increase of 176 employers offering employee?s choice
นุนใหส้มำชิก PVD (“สมำชิก”) เลือกแผนกำรลงทุนไดด้ว้ยตนเอง (employee’s choice) รวมถึงเปิดให้ PVD สำมำรถลงทุนในทรัพยสิ์น ท่ีจะสำมำรถสร้ำงผลตอบแทนโดยยงัคงจ ำกดัควำมเส่ียงใหอ้ยูใ่นระดบัท่ีเหมำะสม อยำ่งไรก็ดี
technology to private fund management in analysis, selection and screening of securities trading signals, did not comply with the rules, conditions and procedures announced by the Capital Market Supervisory
Bangkok, August 18, 2011 ? The SEC revealed that the number of employers setting up provident funds in Q2/2011 increased 8% over 2010 with great attention on ?employee?s choice,? a program that
leveraging of our strength as Thailand’s number-one digital banking provider, with the aim of becoming the Customers’ Life Platform of Choice under our core strategy of Customer Centricity for our business
investment strategies, product selection guidelines, investment monitoring and active engagement in addition to disclosing the fund management results to check whether they align with the set sustainability
Bangkok, March 23, 2011 ? An SEC record of 2010 showed growth in the provident fund (PVD) industry with 1,765 employers offering provident funds with employee?s choice, accounting for 17.7 percent of
over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity", KBank has decided to redefine our aspiration to become “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice”, meaning the most-preferred
our aspiration to become “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice”, meaning the most-preferred platform that can meet customers’ needs in every aspect of their lives, in order to deliver an excellent