funds are advertised Biases as distortion in choice (figure 1 in FCA Occasional Paper no.1, 2013) Trigger (redemption) Facilities, rather than Trigger Funds is one option to foster investment discipline
liquidity. Selection criteria: Most active DW (highest turnover) Excess implied volatilities Implied volatilities calculated by using at-the-money option with time-to-expiration 3 months. Underlying: SET50
performance Strategic Allocation Policy Tactical Asset Allocation Policy Investment performance Strategic Allocation Policy Tactical Asset Allocation Policy Strategic Allocation Policy Security Selection P as
นุนใหส้มำชิก PVD (“สมำชิก”) เลือกแผนกำรลงทุนไดด้ว้ยตนเอง (employee’s choice) รวมถึงเปิดให้ PVD สำมำรถลงทุนในทรัพยสิ์น ท่ีจะสำมำรถสร้ำงผลตอบแทนโดยยงัคงจ ำกดัควำมเส่ียงใหอ้ยูใ่นระดบัท่ีเหมำะสม อยำ่งไรก็ดี
transparency, accuracy and integrity of information that will be disclosed and reported by issuers to stakeholders. The SLBP have five core components: 1. Selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 2
leveraging of our strength as Thailand’s number-one digital banking provider, with the aim of becoming the Customers’ Life Platform of Choice under our core strategy of Customer Centricity for our business
option for households make intertemporal fund transfers for their future needs. In this collection of three short essays, we investigate open-ended equity mutual funds in Thailand that invest in domestic
+ Exposure P ri c e Underlying stock price Option position Stock position Gamma Risk • In case of a European call option, a hedge portfolio is constructed by establishing a long position in the option and a
-weight beta) Alpha (managers’ timing & selection abilities) Strategic beta (exposure to non-market beta factors) Strategic Beta: gaining popularity 32 Details of the largest Strategic Beta ETFs with
over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity", KBank has decided to redefine our aspiration to become “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice”, meaning the most-preferred