Microsoft Word - MD&A 3Q2020-E_Final by FA&Mark _3 Nov 2020_.docx 1 Ref: CSO. 034/2020 Date: 3rd November 2020 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30th September 2020
Microsoft Word - MD&A 3Q2020-T_Final by FA&Mark _3 Nov 2020_.docx 1 ที สลบ. 034/2563 วนัที 3 พฤศจกิายน 2563 เรือง คําอธบิายและวเิคราะหข์องฝ่ายจัดการ ไตรมาสที 3 สิ/นสดุวนัที 30 กนัยายน 2563 เรยีน กรรม
moment, the SEC official who accepts the application and the applicant must sign their names on the record of defect and the list of evidentiary documentation, and a period of time for the applicant to fix
) -2- “mutual fund rating”2 means giving advice or opinion or suitability of investment in a mutual fund in comparative value and may be giving a sign or other symbol for supplementing such advice or
filled up at the moment, the SEC official who accepts the application and the applicant must sign their names on the record of defect and the list of evidentiary documentation, and a period of time for the
the Listed Company : The Seller is a limited company incorporated under Thai laws, whose shares are held by three individual shareholders, all of whom are directors authorized to sign and bind the
moment, the SEC official who accepts the application and the applicant must sign their names on the record of defect and the list of evidentiary documentation, and a period of time for the applicant to fix
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sign on behalf of the company
highly competitive. Consumers are changing their purchasing behavior because economic slows down. Yours Sincerely, Ms. Piyanan Suwannaphasri Assistant Managing Director Authorized to sign behalf of the