SEC plans to revise the criteria on the maintenance of the net capital (NC) of securities and derivatives business operator. SEC has, therefore, conducted a public hearing on this matter, in
concerning the right of provident fund members according to the provident fund’s articles. As of the end of 2001, there are 620 funds with net asset value of 222,916.58 million baht being registered with the
) before income tax (531) (1,645) (12,815) Net profit(loss) (531) (1,645) (12,815) Book value per share (Baht/share) 136.30 146.92 179.83 บมจ.0107537002109 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน
very well as 50 new companies got listed on the SET and MAI over the year. Listed companies’ net profit registered 454.1 billion baht with the market capitalization as high as 4.52 trillion baht
. While net selling volume of foreign investors was recorded at 24,609 million baht, net buying volume in 2003 of domestic institutional investors and retail investors were 19,573 million baht and 5,036
before. Foreign investors were the net buyers with the total net buy value of 83.4 billion baht. Equity Market Outlook 2007 The stock market is likely to fluctuate in 2007. Although the economic growth can
Note: Summary of market data in 2007: ë SET Index increased 26 percent from December 29, 2006 ë Average daily trading value of B17.1bn, compared to B16.28bn in 2006 ë Local retail investors net sell
on the draft regulations relating to the net capital of business operators principle, in the second quarter, covering the calculation of subordinated facility for accommodating increasing transactions
(Net Interest Margin) อยูท่ี่ร้อยละ 3.43 ซึง่เพิ่มขึน้จากไตรมาสก่อนเลก็น้อย และอตัราสว่นคา่ใช้จ่ายจากการด าเนินงานอื่น ๆ ตอ่รายได้จากการ ด
- Inspection - Supervision of those 10 amended Upon calculation of the maximum transaction size is equal to 2. 38 percent based on the net tangible