Board hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1 This Notification shall come into force as from 1 July 2017. Chapter 1 General Provisions Part 1 Objectives of the Supervision of Derivatives
investment returns before Type B unitholders 12 Increasing Market Confidence Source : Enhancing supervisory process through
หว่างส านักงานและ FCDO (UK) เพื่อส่งเสริมความร่วมมือด้านบริการทางการเงิน ด าเนินการแล้วเสร็จ 1. Corporate Surveillance System (CSS) : พัฒนาโมเดลที่ใช้คาดการณ์ข้อบ่งชี้การกระท าทุจริตตกแต่งงบการเงินของ บจ
. However, the SEC will continue monitoring relevant developments, supervision, and actions in various aspects to ensure that effective investor protection measures will be in place before further developing
operations involving supervision of market activities or monitoring of compliance with the stated laws, rules and regulations are generally managed within the SEC Office, except for licensing, which must be
ทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง SEC Open data services E-enforcement • Corporate surveillance system - ความสมัพนัธบ์คุคล / นติบิคุคล - Fraud • AI-enforcement - พฤตกิรรมสรา้งราคา - พฤตกิรรมผดิปกติ • Off-site monitoring: - ผปก
landscape of the capital market. In 2019, the SEC initiated to revisit the whole legislative structure regarding the supervision of auditing professions in Thailand for the first time to enhance the
Governance ● Revision of Rules on Approval for Public Offering of Shares and Information Disclosure by Focusing on Good Corporate Governance CONTENTS APPEN SCE_Eng_p.1-16 10/29/04, 1:05 AM2 3 ● Supervision of
their duties efficiently and effectively in the advancement and surveillance of listed companies’ financial statements and supervision of auditors’ work. Hence, the SEC regularly arranges internal
85 87 88 102 102 103 Total staff: 422 2 Broker-Dealer Supervision Dept. 36 staff Market Supervision Dept. 9 staff Supervision Dept. 43 staff Supervision Dept. 29 staff Securities Business Senior