violation and penalty imposed on the violators under this Act. The disclosure of any other information obtained in the performance of duties under this Act shall be in accordance with the rules specified in
to disclose information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on the violators under this Act. The disclosure of any other information obtained in the performance of duties under this Act shall
SEC Office shall have the duty to disclose information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on the violators under this Act. The disclosure of any other information obtained in the performance
center, organization related to securities business or information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on the violators, including any other information obtained in the performance of duties
relating to any violation and penalty imposed on the violators, including any other information obtained in the performance of duties under this Act. SECTION 25. The initial capital of the SEC Office shall
have the duty to disclose the information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on such person who commits an offence under this Emergency Decree, including any other information obtained in the
on such person who commits an offence under this Emergency Decree, including any other information obtained in the performance of duties under this Emergency Decree in accordance with the rules as
Exchange, over-the-counter centre, organization related to securities business or information relating to any violation and penalty imposed on the violators, including any other information obtained in the
necessary, the SEC Office upon approval of the SEC may revise or modify the operating plan; in such regard, the provision in the first paragraph shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis. The operating plan of
information acquired by powers and duties performed under the SEA To amend provision on the SEC’ s disclosure of confidential information acquired by powers and duties performed under the SEA in order to govern