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Thai Market Misconduct × Home > กฎหมาย / กฎเกณฑ์ > สรุปกฎเกณฑ์ > การป้องกันการกระทำอันไม่เป็นธรรม
English (United States) Market Misconduct × Home > Laws/Regulations > Regulations > Prevention of
English (United States) Market Misconduct × Home > Laws/Regulations > Regulations > Prevention of
appoints a new guarantor by obtain special resolution of the unitholders ; (1.2) The mutual fund management company reserved the rights in the scheme to dissolve the guaranteed fund or to withdraw the
appoints a new guarantor by obtain special resolution of the unitholders ; (1.2) The mutual fund management company reserved the rights in the scheme to dissolve the guaranteed fund or to withdraw the
Forms 56-1 and 69-1 Handbook on the Directors and Executives Database Guideline for Disclosure of Information in Invitation Letters to Shareholders' Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval for
treatment. Requirements for a resolution to be passed by the unitholders (1) In case of amalgamation/merger of the mutual fund with the same investment policy and level of risk spectrum, must obtain
treatment. Requirements for a resolution to be passed by the unitholders (1) In case of amalgamation/merger of the mutual fund with the same investment policy and level of risk spectrum, must obtain
Misconduct inconsistent with the normal market condition. (Section 244/4) 1. Purchasing or selling securities in such a way that does not involve a change of beneficial ownership of such securities; 2