special local government organization; (3) unit or organization of foreign government, international organization and juristic person under law of foreign jurisdiction; * This second draft of English
organization ; (3) unit or organization of foreign government, international organization and juristic person under law of foreign jurisdiction; (4) juristic person established by specific law; and (5) issuing
organization of foreign government, international organization and juristic person under law of foreign jurisdiction; (4) juristic person established by specific law; and (5) issuing entity established in any
changed by the operation of law governing merger of business of such person. In cases where the original payee has acted as the agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred but there is a change
) transfer of assets whereby the agent to collect and receive payments of debts has been changed by the operation of law governing merger of business of such person. In cases where the original payee has acted
payments of debts incurred; (2) transfer of assets whereby the agent to collect and receive payments of debts has been changed by the operation of law governing merger of business of such person. In cases
who collects and receives payments of debts unless the change of the agent occurs by operation of law governing merger of business of such person. Section 16. As regards the transfer of assets under an
”) as required by international standards • The operation of the SET will be consistent with regulatory objectives and prescribed rules • For transparent and constant operation of the SET while interests
สังคมไทยหรือไม่ อย่างไร กระบวนการทางอเิลก็ทรอนิกส์ในตลาดทุน คณะกรรมำธิกำรกำรค้ำระหว่ำงประเทศแห่งสหประชำชำติ (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law - UNCITRAL) ได้มีกำรจัดทำกฎหมำยแม่แบบ
เนินการดังกล่าวเหมาะสมกับ สังคมไทยหรือไม่ อย่างไร ๓.๒.๑ กระบวนการทางอเิลก็ทรอนิกส์ในตลาดทุน คณะกรรมำธิกำรกำรค้ำระหว่ำงประเทศแห่งสหประชำชำติ (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law