access of inside information by unauthorized personnel [ii] internal control and [iii] risk management of undertaking trust business, including measure for controlling and monitoring operation of its
information by unauthorized personnel [ii] internal control and [iii] risk management for undertaking precious metal derivatives brokerage including measure for controlling and monitoring performance of its
information by unauthorized personnel [ii] internal control and [iii] risk management for undertaking precious metal derivatives brokerage including measure for controlling and monitoring performance of its
controlling and monitoring performance of its personnel to action in accordance with the constituted policy and measure; (8) demonstrating that it will have fit and proper operating system to undertake precious
interest and accessing inside information by unauthorized personnel [ii] internal control and [iii] risk management for undertaking precious metal derivatives brokerage including measure for controlling and
interest and accessing inside information by unauthorized personnel [ii] internal control and [iii] risk management for undertaking precious metal derivatives brokerage including measure for controlling and
information or system. Clause 7. The securities company must provide a controlling measure which is sufficient for the developed or modified application software to have a correct, and complete data processing
, utilizing or altering such information or system. Clause 7. The securities company must provide a controlling measure which is sufficient for the developed or modified application software to have a correct
of inside information between units and personnel, internal control and risk management for operation of derivatives business in the category to be commenced including measure for controlling and
, leaking of inside information between units and personnel, internal control and risk management for operation of derivatives business in the category to be commenced including measure for controlling and