the committee to review the work of financial advisers. Moreover, in considering material facts regarding the contravention of laws, rules, and regulations, the SEC
obtained during the course of business operation as a securities clearing house that is material when doing a transaction with its members. Information disclosed under Paragraph 1 shall be timely, and
securities issuing companies disclose information, including financial statements, management structure, and risk management measures to enable investors, the media, and the SEC to monitor their operation
securities issuing companies disclose information, including financial statements, management structure, and risk management measures to enable investors, the media, and the SEC to monitor their operation
raw material for electricity production, was not renewed. In addition, with the operation being discontinued for about 2 years, Akkrawat has to conduct public hearings in the neighborhood; and has to
stakeholders in corporate governance; The Principles encourage active co-operation between corporations and stakeholders and underline the importance of recognising the rights of stakeholders established by law
pass this test and strive forward to deliver material and measurable accomplishments. As the market regulator, the SEC shall proceed to secure investors' confidence, build efficient and reliable markets
-General ]6 . . . . . . . . [ MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ] (Mr. P rasa r n Tra i r a t vo raku l ) Sec re t a r y -Gene ra l In 2001 many measures of the SEC were put into operation. In our attempt
material progress last year. In addition to our second-term chairmanship of the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the Thai capital
. Thatûs why the SECûs 2004 operation plan will focus on two key areas. The supervision will ensure that transactions in the capital market comply with rules and regulations and are adequately fair. In