ช่วยศึกษาและกลั่นกรองงานในด้าน ใดด้านหนึ่ง คณะกรรมการชุดย่อยท่ีคณะกรรมการต้ังข้ึน เพื่อทำาหน้าที่สรรหากรรมการและผู้บริหาร ระดับสูง ศัพท์ภษอังกฤษ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Managing Director (MD
changes in the company. ACROnymS ASeAn: Association of southeast Asian nations BoT: Bank of thailand CeO: chief executive officer. this is used as a synonym for managing director. CG: corporate governance
enhancement in a number of markets. Large listed companies have sought to enhance their corporate governance as a means of both improving control mechanisms and better managing risks, and last but not least, to
or a central securities depository, as the case may be; “executive director” means any director who takes part in management as prescribed by the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board
.......................................................... 51 G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE © OECD 2015 9 About the Principles The Principles are intended to help policy makers evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory, and institutional
intellectual property ) and human capital? 7. How do we embed these non-financial issues in our engagement activities? How do we evaluate their effectiveness in https://www.sec.or.th/cgthailand/TH/Documents
property ) and human capital? 7. How do we embed these non-financial issues in our engagement activities? How do we evaluate their effectiveness in https://www.sec.or.th/cgthailand/TH/Documents/ICode
property ) and human capital? 7. How do we embed these non-financial issues in our engagement activities? How do we evaluate their effectiveness in https://www.sec.or.th/cgthailand/TH/Documents/ICode
. Sitthiporn Jaraspridalarp Power of the director One director signs with the Company’s seal affixed บมจ.0107537002109 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter Corporation Public Company Limited เลข