company to manage the investment for the investor with honesty, due care and with the interest of client prior to the interest of it own. Nevertheless, the organisational structure shall be in line with the
หนดทัว่ไป (General Requirements) และใหแ้นว ปฏบิตัเิกีย่วกบัดุลยพนิิจ ความไมแ่น่นอน และขอ้ผดิพลาด (Judgements, Uncertainties and Errors) ►IFRS S1 ก าหนดแนวปฏิบติัเพ่ือใช้อ้างอิงส าหรบัทกุมาตรฐาน IFRS S ►ก า
and quantifying GHG emissions for the inventory. GHG Protocol GHG Protocol establishes comprehensive global standardized frameworks to measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from private and
, document, and enforce policies, procedures, and controls to identify and eliminate, or manage and disclose, as appropriate, any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may influence the credit rating
) 2. Accumulation from correction of mistakes x 3. Adjusted balance x x x x x x x (x) Alteration between two periods 4. Appraisal surplus x 5. Revaluation surplus (deficit) in investment x 6. Retained
the beginning of 25x0 x x x x x x X (x) 2. Accumulation from correction of mistakes x 3. Adjusted balance x x x x x x x (x) Alteration between two periods 4. Appraisal surplus x 5. Revaluation surplus
use of individual user IDs and passwords to maintain accountability; (2) allow users to select and change their own passwords and include a confirmation procedure to verify input errors; (3) require
Policies, Procedures, Controls and Disclosures 2.6 A CRA should establish, maintain, document, and enforce policies, procedures, and controls to identify and eliminate, or manage and disclose, as appropriate
Section 133 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 133. The securities company shall manage a private fund with honesty and care to preserve the interests of the person who has authorized the
Section 117 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 117. In the management of a mutual fund, a securities company may set up and manage a mutual fund only when its application to set up the