• ClientEarth and AIGCC collaboration. • Showcases views of local experts across 11 Asian jurisdictions. • Local framework and latest developments. • Complementary to range of stewardship options. • Case
Group reported its total revenues increased in the amount of Baht 221.8 million from Baht 1,945.2 million to Baht 2,167.0 million or increased 11.4 percent. The Group’s revenue structure is as follows
marketing to promote products and services of the hospital to both local and international patients. And, the financial costs Revenue Structure Q3/2018 Q3/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,474.0
result of the renovation of the existing hospitals and adding more specialized centers led to the expansion of both local and international patient base to the group. - The Social Security Scheme revenue
Baht 821.6 million or 11.2 % by the following revenue structure: Unit: Million Baht Revenue Structure 2018 2017 Change General Patient Revenue 5,388.0 4,517.6 870.4 19.3% Social Security Scheme Revenue
addressed impact of GPR on the economy (Bloom, 2009), domestic credits, (Zhou, Gozgor, Huang, & Lau, 2020), firm’s capital structure (Kotcharin & Maneenop, 2020), corporate investments, amongst others
customer base and the expansion of both local and international patient base. - The Social Security Scheme revenue for Q1/2019 were reported in the amount of Baht 681.5 million growing from Q1/2018 by Baht
renovation of the hospitals and adding more specialized centers led to the expansion of both local and international patients based to the group. In addition, the rainy season arrived early this year resulted
Operator หรือ ตัวแทน (“local representative”) ซ่ึงเป็น ผู้ยื่นค าขอตรวจสอบลักษณะหนว่ยของ ASEAN CIS ในประเทศไทย (“ผู้ยื่นค าขอฯ”) จะต้องระบจุ านวนเงนิทีจ่ะ เสนอขายในประเทศไทยเป็นสกลุเงินบาท และระบุช่ือ ผู้รับ
on the customers’ specification, that might be 100% cotton or cotton blend fabrics. Over the past 3 years, the Company had no significant changes neither capital structure, management nor business