limitation period of the civil cases which may be requested for a Class Action in order to deal with the offence or liability under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) and amended versions (“the
offence or liability under the Securities and Exchange Act The characteristics, examples and the limitation period of the civil cases which may be requested for a Class Action in order to deal with the
No limitation of holdings: (1) Tax-exempted institutional investors operating as a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) such as the Government Pension Fund, Social Security Fund, Provident Funds, and
No limitation of holdings: (1) Tax-exempted institutional investors operating as a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) such as the Government Pension Fund, Social Security Fund, Provident Funds, and
subsequent orders to be aware of the conditions. Reason and conditions for right adjustment There are changes in the indicated price of the shares resulting from share consolidation or split. Newly issued