MB decreased from Q2/2016 by 3 MB or 4 percent while the gross profit margin is 36 percent (40 percent in Q2/2016) which effected from the adjustment of raw material price such as Latex and Solvent
& Chemicals Co., Ltd. (UAPC) General information on UAPC Type of business Production and distribution of chemicals, mainly latex (polymer emulsions and polymer solutions) Address Headquarters : 9/81 Soi
สารสนเทศข่าว มติ BOD 5-60 20171204En No. NDR013/2017 Subject Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum on the Acquisition of Assets and the Connected Transaction 2. Information Memorandum regarding the offering of the newly issued ordinary shares to specific investors (Private Placement) 3. Capital Increase Report Form (F53 N.D. Rubber Public Company Limited (“ No.5/2017 held on November 26, 2017 which has the ma...
ร่อ้ยละ 81.1 ของจ านวนหุน้ทัง้หมด จากเดมิทีร่อ้ยละ 90.2 ค ำนิยำม RSS : Ribbed smoked sheet TSR : Technically specified rubber, which includes STR and SIR LTX: Concentrated Latex BD: Butadiene ACN
SIR LTX: Concentrated Latex BD: Butadiene ACN: Acrylonitrile หมายเหตุ: * ปรบัเทยีบเตม็ปี ** ปรบัดว้ยค่าเผือ่ (การกลบัมลูคา่) การลดลงของสนิคา้คงเหลอืและก าไร/ขาดทุน ทีเ่กดิขึน้แลว้จากธุรกรรม ป้องกนัความ