(Form 61-2) (The same form as submitted to the SEC Office for approval request, which contains current information, is acceptable). For your kind consideration. Yours sincerely, Signature
list of asset that an investor would be able to exchange with ETF units according to the requirements of such ETF . “ exchanging in-kind ” means entering into the following transactions with a management
of consideration of my application and supervision of my duty performance throughout the approval period. For your kind consideration. Yours Sincerely, Signature
Credit หรือทำสัญญาซื้อขาย Carbon Credit ล่วงหน้ากับโครงการลดการปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจก และจ่ายผลตอบแทนหรือคืนทุนให้ ผู้ลงทุนเป็น Carbon Credit (pay in kind) นอกจากนี้ กองทุนยังสามารถลงทุนในตราสารทุนหรือ ตราสาร
proceed with the order of any kind of futures trading of an investor which has an objective to limit potential loss of futures trading such as the stop loss or stop limit order, etc., due to the unfavorable
private fund management is the service on the management of the investment capital of investor which is the kind of business which the service provider shall have creditworthiness and trust to manage
shall cover all kind of potential risk occuring in the operation of business; (3) to protect against the use of inside information of units and personnel of the securities company (Chinese wall). By at
following businesses: (a) rail or pipe transportation system; (b) electricity; (c) water supply; (d) road, toll road or concession road; (e) airport; (f) deep sea port; (g) telecommunication or information