shares or rendering a financial support that will later generate the right to acquire shares of such business, and being involved in the supervision of the business plan, the operation or the improvement
from all its employees? 10 Are there procedures to ensure that any external consultant involved in the audit will be objective and document the rationale for that conclusion? 11 Were the procedures the
the first paragraph, shall be engaged in only if the securities company or its client, as the case may be, is a market maker or a major participating investor under the requirements of such ETF . In
systems, if needed, to ensure availability as required under (3). Clause 13 An intermediary shall create an awareness of IT policy and related procedures among its employees and contractors who are engaged
the public as well as other securities companies; (b) members shall treat clients fairly and shall not be involved in discriminatory practice, and shall provide services by using knowledge and
according to the definition by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); “ outsourcee ” means the external parties engaged by the intermediary in the operation on an ongoing basis and must
experience and authority? 3 Does the monitoring process required those performing the engagement or the engagement quality control review are not involved in inspecting the engagements? 4 Does the firm have
customers or the public in any matter concerning the price, value and nature of the securities involved; (3) engage in any act which may cause damage or constitute an unfair advantage to its customers or
Thai capital market; (2) having readiness for participating in a regulatory sandbox in the following areas: (a) having capital, work systems and personnel that can support service provision appropriately
benefit Thai investors or the Thai capital market; (2) having readiness for participating in a regulatory sandbox in the following areas: (a) having capital, work systems and personnel that can support