between the unitholders and the management company shall not contain: (a) any term indicating that the infrastructure mutual fund has the right to recall the returning capital or benefits rightfully
2016 2017 DW Trading Value (Mil. THB) Index DW Trading Value (Mil. THB) Recall: Option price consists of 2 components. Intrinsic value + Time (betting) value 5 Factor Calls Puts Note Asset price (S
เพิ่มขึ้น อยางไรก็ดี ผูลงทุนสถาบันสวนใหญยังคํานึงถึงการทําหนาที่ของการเปนผูบริหารจดัการ ทรัพยสิน ซ่ึงควรพิจารณาใชสิทธิในการออกเสียง จึงทําใหมีการเรยีกคืนหลักทรัพยที่ใหยืมดวย (recall for
-lending activities, in ways which reflect the guidelines in the ICGN’s Securities Lending Code of Best Practice, including a willingness to recall lent stock ahead of relevant shareholder meetings. 16 4.5
A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals* Sarayut Rueangsuwan † Kasetsart University, Thailand August 2015 Abstract Prior literature on meeting or beating earnings benchmarks extensively documents that market rewards firms reporting a string of consecutively earnings increases. To date, it is still unclear what an earnings string really means. This paper empirically provides rational explanations for this phenomenon by investigating whether the increment...