already has a share of intermittent renewables deployment of at least 20% or has credible evidence of programmes in place that increase the share of intermittent renewables to this level within the next 10
firm have any processes in place to establish a culture that promotes the quality of SOQM with objective of taking into consideration the public interest? Please describe. Please provide details of the
entities are required to be subject to an engagement quality review (e.g. public interest entities)? If yes, please describe the policies and procedures. 2 Has the firm established responses to address
how the firm confirms the independence of such other firms B.1 Financial Relationships: Firm's Reference /Guidance Notes Description 1 Financial Interest: Do any of the firm, principals, staff or any
(Yield increase): ผู้ระดมทุนจะต้องแสดงให้เห็นว่า วัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในโรงงานทำให้เกิดผลผลิตเพิ่มขึ้น (เทียบกับวันอ้างอิง หรือ reference date) โดยไม่ใช้ที่ดินเพิ่มเติม โดยชีวมวลที่ผลิตได้ต้องมีปริมาณมากกว่า