ICGN Guidance on Integrated Business Reporting Influencing • Connecting • Informing Published by the International Corporate Governance Network 2015. 2nd Edition All rights reserved. Dissemination of
downstream business in Integrated Oxides and Derivatives based out of advantaged Gulf Coast USA. Indorama Ventures 2nd Quarter 2019 MD&A 2 2Q 2019 Summary Financials Table 1: Core Financials of Consolidated
% Net Debt to Equity (times) 0.99 0.87 14% 0.99 0.92 0.87 14% * IRSL 2nd quarter results were consolidated in Core Financials 3Q19. ** ‘Integrated Oxides and Derivatives’ was previously called Olefins
3.15 (2)% 3% Consolidated Revenue1 2,343 2,942 2,930 (20)% (20)% Core EBITDA2,3 305 304 361 0% (16)% Combined PET 225 192 284 17% (21)% Integrated Oxides and Derivatives 34 50 26 (32)% 33% Fibers 37 61
)% Packaging 81% 74% 76% 9% 6% Specialty Chemicals 67% 70% 78% (4)% (14)% Integrated Oxides and Derivatives 61% 110% 22% (45)% 174% Fibers 80% 76% 91% 5% (13)% Consolidated Revenue1,2 2,942 2,569 3,030 15% (3
%) Specialty Chemicals 70% 57% 90% (21%) 71% 80% (9%) Consolidated Revenue1,2 2,832 2,930 2,920 (3%) 11,580 10,088 15% Integrated PET 1,826 2,026 1,947 (6%) 7,809 6,458 21% Fibers 858 771 714 20% 3,172 2,570 23
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL001/01/2020 6th January 2020 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Report on the Completion of the Acquisition of the Integrated Oxides and
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL005/12/2018 24th December 2018 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Integrated PTA-PET assets at Corpus Christi Joint Venture Receives FTC
) 3.66 3 .48 3.31 5% 11% Consolidated Revenue1 3,240 2,722 2,942 19% 10% Core EBITDA2,3 369 255 304 45% 21% Combined PET 260 177 192 47% 35% Integrated Oxides and Derivatives 37 13 50 191% (26)% Fibers 72
% 48bps Olefins 22% 96% 99% -7,630bps 75% 91% -1,580bps Specialty Chemicals 78% 84% 81% -248bps 84% 74% 972bps Consolidated Revenue1,2 3,030 2,788 2,414 26% 11,357 8,811 29% Integrated PET 2,102 1,855 1,496