description of whether prices of principal raw materials are volatile. 6 5. A description of the marketing channels used by the issuer, including an explanation of any special sales methods, such as
and substitute their gambling activities for stock market activities which will result in a loss of gambling performance during periods of volatile equity market performance. GR investors by their
prices of principal raw materials are volatile. 5. A description of the marketing channels used by the issuer, including an explanation of any special sales methods, such as installment sales. 6. Summary
, constrained by the cyclical and volatile nature of the securities industry and the downward pressure on commission rates, a result of intensifying competition. บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั )มหาชน
, decreasing by Baht 14.98 million, mainly from unrealized loss from investment in listed securities due to the highly volatile market this quarter which resulted from the uncertainty of COVID-19 outbreak and
highly volatile, the securities clearing house may require margin more than once a day; (3) appropriate review of the validation of the model and parameter to keep them up-to-date at least once a year; (4
and positions of the member and the client, and where it appears that the price is highly volatile and the margin placed by the member is insufficient, the intraday margining and the daily mark-to
tight supply from shutdown of some Natural Fatty Alcohols producers in China and India in avoidance of risk during volatile crude palm kernel oil price. With this opportunity, the company ramped up our
indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions ▪ 305-4 GHG emissions intensity ▪ 305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions (Volatile Organic Compounds: VOCs) มาตรฐาน TCFD : Task
shareholder wealth through . • A company's free float is important to potential investors because it offers insight into the company's stock volatility. • Stocks with small free float tend to be more volatile