........ Year ............. Year ............. Year ............ Total assets Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity Total income Cost Net profits Earnings per share (EPS) Debt/equity ratio (D/E ratio) Return on
preparations for economic, social and environmental changes, which will lead to the increase in opportunities and competitiveness. The Company may provide a brief description as deemed appropriate. In addition
exchange Earnings from operation before change in operating assets and liabilities Operating assets (increase) decrease Long-term deposits at financial institutions Securities purchased under reverse
subsidiaries operating the core businesses and other oversight guidelines for activities such as approval of increase or reduction of capital and dissolution of subsidiaries, etc. In case of a holding company
obligations under derivatives positions held by a client; (2) profits or any other interests obtained from derivatives trading of a client; (3) warehouse receipt, bill of lading, or any other instruments
defined in the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants which refers to businesses affiliated to Audit Firm that (a) have the intention to cooperate and (b) have a clear objective to share profits and
ใช้สิทธิและภาระผูกพันต่าง ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง 25. กำไร (ขาดทุน) สะสม (Retained earnings (Deficits)) กำไร (ขาดทุน) สะสม ประกอบด้วย 25.1 จัดสรรแล้ว (Appropriated) หมายถึง สำรองที่กันไว้จากกำไรสำหรับงวดตาม
client’s financial information to other persons, unless disclosure is made as a result of its obligation for disclosure; (4) the derivatives broker shall not represent any fixed rate of profits or returns on
from the closing date of the subsequent offering of units to increase the fund’s capital , as the case may be. Clause 24 The management company shall ensure that the commitment between the unitholders
made by an authorised person and examining of the correctness of the cheque preparation. 4. There should be a dividend payment system e.g. an allocation of the retained earnings and the list of