already has a share of intermittent renewables deployment of at least 20% or has credible evidence of programmes in place that increase the share of intermittent renewables to this level within the next 10
responses e.g., relevant policies, procedures, and documentation on an annual basis. B16 Has the firm developed or adopted other quality management materials? If “yes,” describe those materials: B17 Does the
, standardized documentation, methodology, accounting guides and any industry or subject matter-specific guides) are developed and maintained? If yes, please describe the process. If no, how does the firm address
) Commercially Available? (b) Produced by an international firm of which the firm is a member? (c) Developed internally by the firm? If no, How does the firm ensure that assurance engagements are performed in
(Yield increase): ผู้ระดมทุนจะต้องแสดงให้เห็นว่า วัตถุดิบที่ใช้ในโรงงานทำให้เกิดผลผลิตเพิ่มขึ้น (เทียบกับวันอ้างอิง หรือ reference date) โดยไม่ใช้ที่ดินเพิ่มเติม โดยชีวมวลที่ผลิตได้ต้องมีปริมาณมากกว่า