shareholder meeting in key company decisions. The chapter also deals with disclosure of control structures, such as different voting rights. New issues in this chapter include the use of information technology
diversity of perspectives to generate effective challenge, discussion and objective decision-making. 3.2 Diversity The board should disclose the company’s policy on diversity which should include measurable
the independence and objectivity of credit rating operations; Transparency and timeliness of ratings disclosure CRAs should make disclosure and transparency an objective of their ratings activities; and
conflicts of interest arising due to the relationships that may compromise or appear to compromise the independence and objectivity of credit rating operations; Transparency and timeliness of ratings
incentivise financial flows towards sustainable development. These incentives can include fiscal and prudential policies in the main, but non-financial approaches should also be considered where viable. KSI 4
delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. © OECD 2012 You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from
) วิธีการเปิดเผยขอ้มูลใหลู้กคา้ท่ีปรึกษาการลงทุนทราบ (ข) หลกัปฏิบติัในการใหค้ าแนะน าอยา่งเป็นอิสระ (independence and objectivity) (ค) หลกัปฏิบติัในการปฏิบติัต่อลูกคา้ประเภทเดียวกนัอยา่งเท่าเทียมกนั
appoint it to act as securities broker. For the purpose of fairness to the parties, the SEC may specify any particulars which are material to the agreement.
ทนุอยำ่งเป็นอิสระ (independence and objectivity) 3.6 ระบบควบคุมกำรปฏิบติังำนภำยในของผูข้อรับใบอนุญำตท่ีสำมำรถป้องกนั กำรน ำทรัพยสิ์นของลูกคำ้ไปแสวงหำผลประโยชนโ์ดยมิชอบอนัอำจก่อให้ เกิดควำมเสียหำยต่อ
beneficiaries, and any issues of intergenerational fairness between them as well as where the ultimate risk-bearing lies within the institutional investor. The ICGN has summarised the key obligations of