improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
improvement to meet international standards in all areas. It is undeniable that to achieve sustainable growth, the capital market and involved parties must take into account benefits and impacts of its
Investment in Asia amid Global Uncertainties, February 7, 2012 คำกล่าวเปิดงานสัมมนาเพื่อการพัฒนาตลาดทุนไทย ประจำปี 2555 โดย ดร.วรพล โสคติยานุรักษ์ เลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. ในหัวข้อ “อนาคตตลาดทุนไทยในมุมมองของสำนักงาน
environmental issues, for example, global warming, and degradation of natural resources, more severe nature disasters, social disparities, and corruption. Any one of these issues could bring about damage to
environmental issues, for example, global warming, and degradation of natural resources, more severe nature disasters, social disparities, and corruption. Any one of these issues could bring about damage to
) Partnership : Goal 17 United Nation Global Compact Ten principles in four topics: (1) Human rights (2) Labor (3) Environment (4) Anti-corruption Signatories must report COP (Communicating on Progress
) Partnership : Goal 17 United Nation Global Compact Ten principles in four topics: (1) Human rights (2) Labor (3) Environment (4) Anti-corruption Signatories must report COP (Communicating on Progress
independence from the profession in the same way as specified by IOSCO. To support competitiveness of Thai listed companies and improvement of financial statements to conform to the international standards, the