Advertising, Payment and Logistics business. Acquiring industry-leading logistics capabilities through Kerry, will facilitate an improved, physically connected ecosystem that creates a better customer
non-recurring income of 0.27mb or 1.3%. Adjusting the one-time recognition of 12mb non-recurring revenue in Q1 2018, the total revenue should have improved by 13% YoY. This 12mb revenue booked in Q1
non-recurring income of 0.30mb or 1.5%. Adjusting the one-time recognition of 12.00mb non-recurring revenue in Q1 2018, the total revenue should have improved by 13.0% YoY. This 12.00mb revenue booked
have completed a couple of significant projects contributing to higher recurring revenue going forward. Revenue from overseas markets has improved YoY but was offset with the reduction in non-recurring
34.65mb (Q1 2018: 29.43mb), improving by 5.22mb or 17.7% due to a combination of reasons including an increase in recurring revenue, better returns in investments, improved gross margin and lower SG&A. T
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significant projects contributing to higher recurring revenue going forward. Revenue from overseas markets has also improved YoY but was offset with the reduction in non-recurring revenue. T.662 636 6999 F.662
have managed to drive productivity and delivered our services with better efficiency in the use of resources. Gross Profit As a combined result of improved revenue and reduced cost of services, we booked
-100% Gross Margin 116.33 120.29 -3% % Gross Margin 29.6% 28.5% 1% % Gross Margin (exclude non-recurring cost) 29.6% 30.4% -1% Administrative Expenses before Adj. 39.49 41.45 -5% Adj. staff benefit
million improved by THB 30.54 million or 8.87% ( 2017: THB 344.31 million) resulting from higher revenues from HR solutions but slightly affected by the decrease in revenue from Financial Solutions HR