:13 System Account procure-result2556 18/12/2563 15:38 System Account procure-result2557 18/12/2563 15:38 System Account procure-result2558 13/3/2562 14:00 System Account procure-result2559
warrant (existing + this time), not including ESOP Pa id-up registered shares + shares offered for sale with warrant at this time Terms of
, 247 of the Securities and Exchange Act; The number of voting rights that the waiver will obtain after acquiring the securities and will gain in addition in the future without triggering the obligation
, 247 of the Securities and Exchange Act; The number of voting rights that the waiver will obtain after acquiring the securities and will gain in addition in the future without triggering the obligation
appoints a new guarantor by obtain special resolution of the unitholders ; (1.2) The mutual fund management company reserved the rights in the scheme to dissolve the guaranteed fund or to withdraw the
appoints a new guarantor by obtain special resolution of the unitholders ; (1.2) The mutual fund management company reserved the rights in the scheme to dissolve the guaranteed fund or to withdraw the
Forms 56-1 and 69-1 Handbook on the Directors and Executives Database Guideline for Disclosure of Information in Invitation Letters to Shareholders' Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval for
treatment. Requirements for a resolution to be passed by the unitholders (1) In case of amalgamation/merger of the mutual fund with the same investment policy and level of risk spectrum, must obtain
treatment. Requirements for a resolution to be passed by the unitholders (1) In case of amalgamation/merger of the mutual fund with the same investment policy and level of risk spectrum, must obtain
' Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval to Offer Newly Issued Shares through Private Placement (Checklist PP Shares) Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Directors