” means rights of claim or any other rights which generate a flow of receipts in the future, whether or not such receipts are certain, for example, residential loan agreements or rights under concessions
terms have been approved by the board of directors or in compliance with the principle approved by the board of directors; (2) a loan in accordance with the regulations on the welfare of the staff members
units; (10) any other instruments as specified by the SEC. "bill" means any bill issued for raising funds from the public as specified in the notification of the SEC. "debenture" means any debt instrument
instruments as specified by the SEC. "bill" means any bill issued for raising funds from the public as specified in the notification of the SEC. "debenture" means any debt instrument of whatever name excluding
for sale of securities will be paid or given to the originator in accordance with the agreement and the repayment of debt to investors will depend on a flow of receipts generated from the assets
securities will be paid or given to the originator in accordance with the agreement and the repayment of debt to investors will depend on a flow of receipts generated from the assets transferred or placed as
securities for sale to investors, providing that proceeds obtained from the offer for sale of securities will be paid or given to the originator in accordance with the agreement and the repayment of debt to
a legal entity in any of the following categories: 7 (1) a commercial bank under the Commercial Banking Act; (2) a finance company or credit foncier under the Undertakings of Finance Business
a legal entity in any of the following categories: 7 (1) a commercial bank under the Commercial Banking Act; (2) a finance company or credit foncier under the Undertakings of Finance Business
ปฏิบัติงำน หรือบริษ ัทประเมินมูลค่ำทรัพย ์สินในตลำดทุ นและ ผู ้ปร ะ เ ม ิน ห ล ัก บ ริษ ัทจัดอันดับ เ ครดิต ( Credit Rating Agency: CRA) เ ป็นต้น ทำใ ห้อำนำจ ในกำรกำกับดูแลบุคลำกรแต่ละประเภทมีควำมแตกต่ำงกัน