Board Experiences Head of the Banking and Finance Department and Chair of the Committee of Master of Science Program in Corporate Governance, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn
Experiences Head of the Banking and Finance Department and Chair of the Committee of Master of Science Program in Corporate Governance, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University Board
Experiences Head of the Banking and Finance Department and Chair of the Committee of Master of Science Program in Corporate Governance, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University Board
Business Administration Director, TMB Bank Public Company Limited Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Group President, SCB Asset Management Managing Director, Head of
, the SEC issued a circular letter to all financial advisors and listed companies seeking their cooperation on encouraging IPO companies and listed company to comprehensively apply the CG code on the
, the SEC issued a circular letter to all financial advisors and listed companies seeking their cooperation on encouraging IPO companies and listed company to comprehensively apply the CG code on the
Administration Director, TMB Bank Public Company Limited Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Group President, SCB Asset Management Managing Director, Head of https
2565 มีดังนี้ เป้ำหมำยท่ี 1: ตลำดทนุเป็นกลไกสำคญัในกำรปรบั โครงสร้ำงเศรษฐกิจไทยให้เข้มแข็ง กลุ่มธุรกิจเป้ำหมำย ได้แก่ กลุ่มเศรษฐกิจชีวภำพ เศรษฐกิจหมุนเวยีน และเศรษฐกจิสีเขยีว (Bio-circular- green economy
ความยัง่ยนืเป็นหนึง่ในเรือธง ยุทธศาสตร์ สอดรับกับแผนยุทธศาสตร์ชาติ 20 ป และ นโยบายโมเดลเศรษฐกิจใหม่ คอื เศรษฐกิจชีวภาพ เศรษฐกจิ หมุนเวียน และเศรษฐกิจสีเขียว (Bio-Circular-Green Economy: BCG) รวมทัง้แผน