KRUNGSRI ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Retirement Mutual Fund : RMF | Offering Date : 03/10/2017 - 10/10/2017
KRUNGSRI ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 18/07/2017 - 25/07/2017
MFC ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 03/08/2020 - 07/08/2020
KRUNG THAI ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 03/08/2020 - 21/08/2020
Currently, asset management companies have roles in reporting their portfolio outward foreign and derivatives of mutual funds and provident funds to both SEC and BOT on a monthly basis. In order to reduce the asset management companies’ reporting burdens, SEC held a discussion with BOT and reached a joint decision that BOT would use information in the report that mutual fund and provident fund operators file with SEC, instead of using BOT’s portfolio and derivative investment aboard (PI...
parties to effectively deal with the impact of flooding including operational procedure in case of emergency and preparation of backup plans with a view to facilitate continual securities trading,? said Mr
parties to effectively deal with the impact of flooding including operational procedure in case of emergency and preparation of backup plans with a view to facilitating continual securities trading,? said
/nrs/646p.doc 1146pe.doc and reports as well as a backup system and an emergency plan for recovering information stored in an electronical form; (2) determining a password to access information stored in
and reports as well as a backup system and an emergency plan for recovering information stored in an electronical form; (2) determining a password to access information stored in an electronic form and
and reports as well as a backup system and an emergency plan for recovering information stored in an electronical form; (2) determining a password to access information stored in an electronic form and