who feel excluded underperform, while people who are happy at work are 13% more productive • Organizations in the top quartile for LGBTI diversity have a profitability 25% higher than average • Diverse
in Happy Products and Service Co., Ltd., which the highest transaction value equals to 0.41 percent based on the total value of consideration criterion and the 3-month interim consolidated financial
the manner that is distinguishable without any suspicion, and there must be separate account for each client’s assets and segregated from the account of its own, which should be kept it accurate
distinguishable without any suspicion, and there must be separate account for each client’s assets and segregated from the account of its own, which should be kept it accurate, complete and up-to-date. Also, the
account. In essence, this legislation stipulates that a receiving bank must carefully check the account number and account name of the recipient to ensure their accuracy. If any suspicion of misconduct
ษิทัฯ ถอืหุน้ใน NNV คดิเป็นรอ้ยละ 99.99 ของจ านวนหุน้ทีจ่ าหน่ายไดแ้ลว้ทัง้หมดใน NNV) ใหเ้ขา้จองซือ้หุน้สามญัเพิม่ทุนทีอ่อกใหม่ใน บรษิทั แฮปป้ี โปรดกัส ์แอนด ์เซอรว์สิ จ ากดั (“Happy”) ซึง่ประกอบธุรกจิการ
Director Authority List of sh Duangkamol Apiradee Pitc Sittiporn Sena Next Vision C Total number 2/2019 (Recor newly issued onate to the f the Compan ved to approv ny holds 99.99 s in Happy P products and a
supporting declaration of identity and additional documents in case of reasonable suspicion concerning investor’s qualifications. Securities company shall revise investor’s information under the first
of the repurchase transaction. (b) segregating under self-safekeeping which shall be done in the manner that can clearly identify without suspicion that such amount of money belongs to the client; (2
of the repurchase transaction. (b) segregating under self-safekeeping which shall be done in the manner that can clearly identify without suspicion that such amount of money belongs to the client; (2