percent of the total hours. The managerial level’s charged hours are between 16 to 3,010 hours per engagement, accounted for 3 to 65 percent of the total hours. These AQIs is used to assess the adequacy of
, demonstrating that there are managerial manpower in Big-4 firms more than Non Big-4 firms. However, should one also take the size of audit clients into consideration, it will be apparent that the proportion of
2018 and 2019 were 18.9% and 17.6% , respectively. This assumed that the Company could handle more effective at controlling employee’s remuneration, traveling expenses, and infrastructure expenses
) storing document and evidence in relation to the customer complaint and the proceedings to handle such complaint for no less than five years from the date the derivatives broker completes its consideration
) storing document and evidence in relation to the customer complaint and the proceedings to handle such complaint for no less than five years from the date the derivatives broker completes its consideration
-incompetent person; (2) I am a person not eligible to serve as director, manager, person with managerial authority or advisor of financial institution because of the possession of prohibited characteristics
าเปนผูที่เขาใจและยึดม่ันในประมวลจริยธรรมสำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. สำหรับผูฏิบัติงานและจรรยาบรรณพนักงาน 4) การประเมินเพื่อทดสอบความพรอมในงานบริหาร (Managerial Readiness Test Results) ซึ่งมีองคประกอบเรื่อง
featured stylized flames in red and white. (H including handle 18 cm) S h a p i n g t h e T h a i C a p i ta l M a r k e t Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand 04 Message from the Chairman 06 Message
market will pursue skill and knowledge enhancement on a regular basis to be able to handle ever-increasing innovations in the securities business. This will not only benefit investor contacts in their
investor contacts who play vital roles in the capital market will pursue skill and knowledge enhancement on a regular basis to be able to handle ever-increasing innovations in the securities business. This