Microsoft Word - hearing group limit _2_.docx เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เร่ือง การกําหนดเรื่อง sector fund และ group limit สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพยและตลาดหลักทรัพย (
consecutive year. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100
consecutive year. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100
the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100 index that has value follwing the market capitalization and has
the company was voted for the third consecutive years. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index
for the third consecutive years. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares
securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100 index that has value follwing the market
consecutive years. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100
consecutive years. However, the company’s securities has selected in the SET High Dividend 30 Index or SETHD from the Stock Exchange of Thailand which the price index reference 30 shares group in the SET100
started to continuously open branches as planned. In January 2022, the company successfully opened the 10th branch in Bangsaen area in Chonburi Province. The Company set high priority on the expansion of