Microsoft Word - NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolutions (KK Land)(12Nov18) ENG (1) 13 November 2018 Subject: Entering into the Transaction of Disposing Land and Buildings, Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen
Microsoft Word - NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolutions (KK Land)(12Nov18) (4) วนัท่ี 13 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เร่ือง การเข้าทํารายการจําหน่ายท่ีดินพร้อมสิง่ปลกูสร้าง อําเภอเมืองขอนแก่น จงัหวดัขอนแก่น
Microsoft Word - TNMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolution (KK Land)31Jan 19 1 วนัท่ี 31 มกราคม 2562 เร่ือง ยกเลิกมติคณะกรรมการบริษัทฯ ครัง้ท่ี 13/2561 และครัง้ท่ี 16/2561 ท่ีเก่ียวข้องกบัรายการจํา
Microsoft Word - 62-01-31 NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolution (KK Land) 31-Jan-19.doc ENG_Orion NMG 31 Janu Subject To: Enclosu Nation 13 Nov title dee Kaen, w Lao Na and Bu Directo authoriz
(Asia) Public Company Limited (“the Company”) held on July 16, 2019, it was resolved that the Company enter into a connected transaction of the contact of land lease with factory building and office
After You Pcl . 1319/9 Pattanakarn Rd . Suanluang, Bkk 10250 Thailand E-mail : ir@afteryou .co .th www .afteryoudessertcafe .com Page 1 of 4 Ref. AU 7 /2019 13 May 2019 Subject: Management Discussion
After You Pcl. 1319/9 Pattanakarn Rd. Suanluang, Bkk 10250 Thailand E-mail : Page 1 of 4 Ref. AU 2 /2019 26 February 2019 Subject: Management Discussion
of UBIS (Asia) Public Company Limited (“the Company”) held on July 16, 2019, it was resolved that the Company enter into a connected transaction of the contact of land lease with factory building and
Microsoft Word - 2009-037EN The Information of the Connected Transaction (Additional) Ref.No.2009/037EN September 22, 2020 Subject Inform about The Connected Transaction of the contract of land lease
Analysis of Operating Results For the Operating Results ended March 31, 2018 Report and Analysis of the Operating Results In Q1/2018, the amount of aviation fuel services volume at BKK and DMK totaling up to