Kong covered fund in Thailand, the company shall notify such matter at least three months in advance unless the cessation of the offering is due to a merger or termination of the fund in Hong Kong, in
payments of debts incurred; (2) transfer of assets whereby the agent to collect and receive payments of debts has been changed by the operation of law governing merger of business of such person. In cases
☐ Gold bullion drop ☐ Government bond yield shifts up bps ☐ SET INDEX down % ☐ อื่นๆ (โปรดระบุ) ☐ ETF ☐ แบงก์ชาติประกาศมาตรการกันสำรองเงินทุนจากต่างประเทศ 30% ☐ 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis ☐ 2007