malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development, study into value-accretive merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities, as well as apply efficient
% YoY. The Company continues to emphasize on effective revenue generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, new mixed-use development projects, such as residential development
enhancement initiatives) บรษัิทฯ ปรับปรุงศูนย์กำรคำ้เดมิ อ ย่ ำ ง ต่ อ เ นื่ อ ง เ พื่ อ เ พิ่ ม ประสทิธิภำพในกำรด ำเนินงำน อยำ่งสงูสดุ บรษัิทฯ มุ่งมั่นที่จะเพิม่ประสทิธภิำพของสนิทรัพย์ที่ด ำเนินกำรแลว้ เพื่อ
อยูท่ีบ่รเิวณชัน้ B1 AQUARIA Phuket การเพิม่ประสทิธภิาพของสนิทรพัย ์(Asset enhancement initiatives) บรษัิทฯ ปรับปรุงศูนย์กำรคำ้เดมิ อ ย่ ำ ง ต่ อ เ นื่ อ ง เ พื่ อ เ พิ่ ม ประสทิธิภำพในกำรด ำเนินงำน อ
the figure seen on December 31, 2018, because of purchases of more equipment items to serve demand from the market and the enhancement of service standard at the Studio Park project. The total
great emphasis on effective revenue generation from new malls, asset enhancement, coupled with efficient operating costs management. Currently, CPN manages 30 shopping malls with the net leasable area
revenue generation through new shopping malls, enhancement of existing malls, as well as efficient cost management. CPN currently manages 32 shopping malls with the net leasable area (NLA) of approximately
% in previous year to 26.43% due to change in product sales mix of general merchandise and the enhancement of directly sourced private-label goods’ profit margin, as well as the continuous efficiency
transportation costs, the gross profit margin as a percentage of sales has increased from 26.49% in the previous year to 27.10% due to change in product sales mix of general merchandise and the enhancement of
-to-expiration), the results are not significantly different. DW: S50XXCXXXXA, Underlying: SET50 Index DW Option *The benefits of derivatives are risk management, price discovery, and enhancement of