the frequently exposed equipment with antiseptic - Clean the floor with antiseptic every hour - Increase the frequency of cleaning the toilet and checking the sufficiency of toilet paper and soap to
movie ticket sales counters area between staff and customers, clean with antiseptic every 60 minutes on the touch screen (E-Ticket) and line queue barricade Including the popcorn and beverages selling
specific permission of PTT is strictly prohibited with Future Energy and Beyond Powering Life ทิศทางกลยุทธ์ของ ปตท. CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY Any use of this material without specific permission of PTT is
) $ A- K "% ' A )1 (notch) (.E0&'(00 A +,". - ( "# (issue) /'/0.E00 * # credit rating ) R&."# (issuer) 1($(6." specific risk %0 ."' +,"#10.# 4 (.$ ' rating "% ' rating ) issuer &' )1 (notch
AQIs ) 1 % 2564 2563 1 (Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Firm) ( ) (1) 2 (Relevant Ethical Requirements) ( ) (3) 3 (Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Specific
2562 1 (Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Firm) ( ) (2) 2 (Relevant Ethical Requirements) ( ) ( ) 3 (Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Specific Engagements) (1) (3
introduce several variables intended to control for the firm’s specific characteristics and other macroeconomic shocks and uncertainty. ❑ Following prior literature on political risk and firm value, we
alcohol gel, and disinfectant products permitted by the Excise Department in this quarter. Natural Resource Business was affected by the situation of crude oil price in the global market that declined
Market Risk Specific Risk 58*ใชก้บัทัง้กรณีทีบ่รษัิทค านวณคา่ความเสีย่งแบบวธิ ีfixed haircut หรอื standardized approach ภาพรวม : คา่ความเสีย่งทีเ่กดิจากเงนิลงทนุ 2/14 หมายถงึ ความเสีย่งทีอ่าจเกดิขึน้จากการ
functions are performed for any third parties or for the trustee, securities companies, commercial banks or financial institutions established under specific law, and shall include the person performing duty