Microsoft PowerPoint - 20190812 AU_MDA_TH_v3.6 บรษิัท อาฟเตอร ยู จํากัด (มหาชน) คาํอธิบายและการวิเคราะหของฝายจัดการ (MD&A) Q2/2562 คําอธิบายและการวิเคราะหของฝายจัดการ (MD&A) Q2/2562 บทสรปุผูบริหาร สรุปผลประกอบการสําคัญในไตรมาสที่ 2 ป 2562 2 Overall Operating Results of the Company in Q2/2019 Q2/61 Q2/62 1H/61 1H/62 (ลานบาท) YoY 1H รายไดจากการขาย 206 312 51% 405 599 48% กําไรขั้นตน 138 201 46% 273 389 42% EBITDA 49 95 94% 99 186 88% กําไรสุทธิของกลุมบริษัทฯ 29 63 117% 60 123 105% อัตรา...
higher due to the higher pre-tax earnings. Golden Lime Public Company Limited 5 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017 We realised our goal for the year of increasing topline
net loss includes unrealized loss on foreign exchange of 19.29 million baht. Comparing with last year, the Company had a net loss of 64.72 million baht which includes unrealized gain on foreign exchange
had a net loss of 34.71 million baht in which there is a loss attributable for the equity holders of the Company of 34.72 million baht and the net loss includes an unrealized gain on foreign exchange of
result Million Baht 2019 2018 Sales 1,748.29 1,905.09 Cost of Sales 1,636.11 1,756.98 Gross Margin 112.17 148.11 Gain (loss) on exchange rates 38.44 (26.43) Other Incomes 33.76 30.28 Total Revenues
result Million Baht 2018 2017 Sales 1,905.09 1,849.88 Cost of Sales 1,756.98 1,621.03 Gross Margin 148.11 228.85 Gain (loss) on exchange rates (26.43) 23.44 Other Incomes 30.28 27.42 Total Revenues
financial statement preparation. 3 1 (“QARP”) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 Quality Assurance Review Panel In de pe nd en t Au di t In sp ec ti on A ct iv it ie s Re po rt 1 J an ua ry 2 01 3 - 31 D ec em be r 20 13
foreign exchange of 11.97 million baht. If excluding the unrealized gain (loss) on foreign exchange, the Company had a net loss of 68.75 million baht this year and 86.28 million baht last year. The net loss
a loss attributable for the equity holders of the Company of 48.58 million baht and the net loss includes unrealized gain on foreign exchange of 0.49 million baht. Comparing with last year, the
Baht 26.44 million from mutual fund and private fund managements fee from Solaris Asset Management Company Limited (Solaris) decreased. Gain and return on financial instruments decreased of Baht 22.50